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A Glimpse Into the Future


The following is an excerpt from "Deconstructing A Paradigm" which I wrote in 2018. Back then I did not yet know how right I was:

Already, we see mandatory vaccinations being promoted, and the resultant vilification of those who refuse on moral grounds or on the grounds of distrusting the institutions which seek to mandate such things. When the mainstream pharmacological narrative is challenged by an objective source, the source is demonized as anti-scientific conspiracy-mongering, regardless of the validity of their evidences and the stability of their objections. Of course the deceived, those who appear incapable of even considering there may be something more at play than what is presented, go on openly receiving all that is prescribed them by the governing powers who, they must believe, would never dream of harming innocent people to make money. One simply cannot believe that such things occur if one is to remain in a naïve worldview that prioritizes comfort and familiarity above all else.

These movements never occur without the deceived party believing in their wholesale benevolence. It is the belief in the moral superiority of one’s “team” that drives a movement to its end, and it follows that the belief in the inherent corruption of their opponents justifies whatever means must be executed to thwart their opposition. Those who refuse vaccination are a plague to mankind as they present a danger to the collective wellbeing, and if it is only by force they become vaccinated like the rest of us, then let them be forced. Likewise, if a mistrusting contingent of a people were to resist a genetic alteration mandated by the government for “the betterment of mankind” or the advancement of human evolution or any such nonsense, these people would most certainly be labeled ‘enemies of humanity’ and be disposed of at the approval of all who are inclined never to question.

History has shown us that the masses are not difficult to manipulate. All one has to do is propose that a certain people are a threat to everyone else’s life, or even their quality of life, and the masses, operating from a foundation of deception and fear, will wholeheartedly condone this problematic people’s eradication. It’s us or them. This genetic improvement will cure all disease, end all war, and bring world peace, but it will never work if those religious science-deniers remain to disrupt this new utopia that is now so closely within our grasp.

I wrote the book prior to the advent of COVID-19 so it does not contain a great deal of the type of content you will see on the Deconstructing A Paradigm website, though it touches on parallel topics. The book is more of an apology for those things deemed not to exist by the materialistically biased paradigm into which we have all been indoctrinated, even such things as giants, aliens, and spirits. Still, if the reader is interested, Deconstructing A Paradigm: A Treatise for the Unbelievable can be found on authored under Robert K. Williams.

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Sep 23, 2021

Dude I wanna get a hold of you.... here's my site.....

I'm on...






In every case my ID is.... Caldude

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